Enjoy Summer Solstice 2021During Daylight
Although astronomy events are those that bring awe during the night, some events can also be enjoyed during the day. One such event is the Equinox. The September Equinox will occur on September 23, 2021.
Equinox is an astronomically significant day when the duration of the day and the night on the Earth is equal. Typically, this occurs twice –in March and in September, every year.
On this day, the Sun shines directly on the equator which leads to equally lit and unlit surfaces on Earth. Also, the Sun rises exactly from the east and sets exactly in the west.
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A File Image Of Summer Solstice |
Also, on this day, the Sun’s geometric centre is above the horizon for 12 hours and below the horizon for 12 hours. However, on Equinox, the day is slightly longer than the night at the equator, as 'a day' is the duration between the appearance and disappearance of the upper edge of the Sun’s disc at the horizon.
The best way to observe equinox is through a simple experiment that will help us determine the latitude of the place we live. The Latitude of a place can be calculated on this day by measuring the length of the shortest shadow (measured between 12pm to 1pm) of an object observed, say a candle set vertically on the ground, around noon. The shadow forms the Opposite and the pen forms the adjacent of the right-angled triangle, θ will give the latitude.
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Simple Experiment To Determine The Latitude |
In India, we call this day “Vishuvat Sankranti” as the Sun enters (Sankranti) the Equinox (Vishuvat) on this day. It is also called “Sharad Vishuva”, as it brings with it - Sharad Ruthu (Autumn season) in the Northern Hemisphere. The word Equinox means Equal Night in Latin.
Poornaprajna Amateur Astronomers’ Club wishes everyone a clear, cloudless sky this afternoon to perform the beautiful experiment and observe the day of Autumnal Equinox.
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